Thursday 8 January 2015

2015 Resolutions

I normally don't like making resolutions because I invariably fail and feel bad, but I'm going to try anyway. I've already posted a wishlist on my instagram, but now that I've had some time to think about it, I want to add to it/revise it a little.

So, without further ado:

  1. Spend more time working on my own dolls. 
    • Most of them don't really have an outfit that is 100% them (even Mali! yikes. .____.), so I'd like to make at least one for each of them.
  2. Get back to working on my photoset. 
    • I had a minor disaster that made me quite sad for a while, but I really need to get over it and get back to working on the project, I was having a lot of fun.
  3. Take more photos!
    • I tried the 'A Doll a Day' challenge last year, but with my school schedule it was just impossible. I think I might try using one of the monthly prompt lists to work on some more creative photos, but I won't be following any schedules.
  4. Share more about my dolls' characters.
    • Reading about other people's characters is a great pleasure of mine, but I've never been very open about my own. Now that I have my main story characters, I really want to start sharing them.
  5. More doll meets!
    • I really enjoy getting together with doll friends, but I live pretty far away from the main group here, so I'd like to try to organize some more regular events with people who are more local.
    • I've also been waffling on the SD size for AGES, so meets might give me a chance to become more familiar with them and finally decide one way or the other.
  6. Finish at least one big personal project.
    • Other than the photoset, I have tonnes of ideas buzzing around my head. I'd like to finish at least one of them this year. Need to pick it soon!
  7. Get a MNF Moe body for Tobi (with small bust)
    • Tobi is supposed to be much shorter than Mali and Bella, but none of the bodies I've seen (or bought -.-) quite worked. I highly doubt I'll be able to swing another doll purchase soon, but I'd really like to get Tobi properly finished.

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