Friday, 24 October 2014
(6) New Items: Minifee Shorts, Spring Dress, Simple Skirt + more
Be prepared! Much updates below!
I've released four new pieces in the Subtle Memory collection:
The first is a sweet strapless dress (straps and ribbon sash available by request) for both Large and Small bust girls.
The second is a gathered skirt fit to the waist or the hips.
New item number three is a dress version of the MiniFee Halter Tank Top.
And finally, the MiniFee Cotton Shorts from this photo are ready at last!
All items are made to order in any of the fabrics I have including four new(ish) fabrics: Felicity, Lilian, Blue Bubbles, and with a big thank you to GYHM: Ava. <3 Additionally, the shorts are available in a variety of fuzzy suede fabrics. :)
Hope you like them!
In fancy, fancy, special news, I am also releasing the gathered skirt and halter dress for LittleFee! :)
Phew. :) These will be the last new updates for a while because I'm back in classes now and I want to work on some personal projects for a while, but everything will still be available to order as you'd like.
new releases,
Subtle Memory
Monday, 20 October 2014
We came back from Mexico late on Sunday, but it was an incredible trip. I got to see a lot of different animals I never thought I would, which really made the trip for me.
The first day was just check in and a dinner, but the second day we had a trip to Tulum and Xel-Ha. Tulum was very interesting, I love archaeological sites. <3
There were also approximately eleventybillion iguanas roaming around. It was cool to see them in the wild.
Unfortunately, the beach access was closed, so we couldn't go down there to see the cliffs, but it was still an awesome (if blazingly hot) place to see. As we were leaving, we noticed some people with random animals - 2 squirrel monkeys, a ring-tailed lemur, and a (sleeping) baby lion from the local zoo (I assume they have an outreach program thing). It was $10 to take a photo with any of them, so I passed on that, but the guy with the squirrel monkeys came over to talk to us and put one on my arm. The other one he told to sit on my shoulder and it just sort of chilled eating a piece of cucumber. It was a very surreal experience, and I kind of wish I'd paid for photos. :p
After Tulum, we went to a eco-waterpark-type-thing called Xel-Ha. It was insanely fun and I'd love to go back. We barely saw half of the park!
We spent most of the time snorkelling, so we saw lots of fishes (and a live conch!! :D), but not too much of the park itself. We started at the very top of the forest river that feeds the inlet and went out to the bottom. :) They also had dolphins and manatees and snuba-ing, although their version seems a bit different than what I've seen elsewhere? Not really sure the state of snuba worldwide. ;P
One thing I really liked is that they've banned non-biodegradable sunscreen park-wide to try to help keep the reef (which we also didn't see XD) healthy. They will give you compatible sunscreen if yours is not, but I'm not sure of the official impact of this. I would hope most people actually comply, but I don't know.
The rest of the days we mostly just swam and stumbled upon animals doing their thing. We'd seen (white-nosed) coatis wandering around A LOT, but this one was clawing open coconuts to drink the water - it was really cool!
Apparently you can keep them as pets in some places... I wonder how well that works....
I like to try to keep lists of the (personally identifiable) animals I see on different trips just for fun, so here is my Mexico 2014 list:
- coatis
- dolphins
- toucan (only one :( )
- iguanas
- squirrel monkeys
- lion cub
- ring-tailed lemur
- pelicans
- hawk
- agouti (it was eating an apple piece near the path to our room!)
- opossum
- conch
Not including the tiny lizards, other birds and all the fish (though we did see a giant angel fish which was very cool)! All in all a pretty successful trip animal-wise! ^-^
I didn't have too many safe opportunities to take photos of Bella, but I did get a few of her on our balcony wishing she were not on our balcony. :P

I hope everyone has had an amazing week so far! <3 Check back soon for a special announcement. :)
Mexico 2014,
Friday, 10 October 2014

I signed up for an Instagram account yesterday. I can't promise I'll keep it forever, but I thought I'd try it out for a while and see how it goes.
I'm not super effective at using mobile apps, so I apologize in advance if I mess something up (or accidentally delete stuff... sorry nenstra ^^;). Hopefully I'll get the hang of it soon, but until then, my username is tayma.leigh. :)
Tuesday, 7 October 2014
Site Update: 'Shop By' Options
This is something I've wanted to do for a while but couldn't quite get working. Since the original categories were getting a little unwieldy, I specifically made time last weekend to reorganize the search function in my shop.
All products and custom stuff are still easily findable, but there is also now a 'New!' section, for recently released and coming soon items. Secondly you can also now 'Shop by' in three different ways
- Shop by Size - pretty self-explanatory, SD, MNF, LTF etc.
- Shop by Collection - this one is fairly useless for now since only one collection is released, but in the future it will allow you to search for items that were designed with a specific style in mind and that work well together as mix-and-match pieces
- Shop by Type - here you can search for specific kinds of items - tops, pants, dresses, etc.
Unfortunately I cannot mix and match item lists at the moment, so if you want say, MNF sweaters, you'll have to look through either all the sweaters or all the MNF stuff, but if I can figure out how to do that I'll add it in the future too. I'll add new categories as they become relevant, so stay tuned for that as well.
I hope this new update is useful to everyone - it's definitely a lot closer to my ideal. :)
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