Monday 14 March 2016

Etsy Update: March 19 @ 11:30am

Hello again everyone!

Commissions are done and I've been working really hard on my TODO list and making pretty decent progress if I do say so myself. I've had a few ehm... distractions pop up, but I think they've been fun and productive. There's a big stock of new things built up now, so I think it's time for an Etsy update.

inEssence Creations - M-Line Minifee Cotton Pants

Lots of cute colourful things for Minifee this time around. There are some M-Line pants, some tops, dresses, and remakes of the cute Rainbow Stars shorts.

inEssence Creations - Unoa/Littlefee Wrap BraceletAdditionally, all of the wrap bracelets will be available, there are a bunch in MNF size and some in Unoa size. The Unoa size also works really well for LittleFee, so might be good for other Yo-sized dolls too. :)

Storenvy has become really unreliable and until they fix a major issue, my shop there is entirely unusable. Once I can transfer all of my info, I might end up close my shop there. While I'm looking for other options, I'm going to be relying on Etsy. To test it out, there will be a few spots for custom wrap bracelets available in this update. So if nothing quite appeals (or is in the wrong size), you can order one made just for you!

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